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How do I manage a workspace?
How do I manage a workspace?

Create and edit your workspace information.

Updated over 5 months ago

What are workspaces?

They are new groups created on the same network. They are managed as independent accounts, each with its own data, users and services. If we have several computers we can create a workspace for each one. The user who creates the workspace will have "Super Administrator" permission and will be able to move between offices.

How to set up your Workspace

  1. Go into settings.

  2. Current workspace and click on the pencil to edit it and it will take you to "Your workspace" like this:

  3. You can edit the following fields:

    • Name of your account.

    • Location, if not we can geolocate it, you can search manually on the map.

    • Email.

    • Phone number.

    • Local currency.

    • Logo.

    • Facade.

    • Corporate colour.

How to create a new workspace and display the existing ones?

  1. Settings > Workspaces > Add Workspace

  2. To see your already created workspaces you can also do it from Settings > Workspaces.

  3. The user with permission to migrate between workspaces will have ''Switch to this workspace in the dropdown''.

  4. To edit the information of the office you must be inside it.

    • From Workspaces you can change the name of your Office Network by clicking on Edit in the upper right.

*This action of creating a new workspace is available only for the Premium and Enterprise plans of the CRM Gestor de Contactos.

How do I migrate users from one workspace to another?

1. From Settings > Workspaces > Click on "See all" > Click on the button with the three vertical dots of the workspace to which you want to migrate the users > Click on:
"Migrate users to this workspace."

2. Select the user or users you want to migrate from the list > Click on "Migrate users to Space name":

3. If you are the user, you can jump directly from your avatar (bottom left corner) > workspace name > choose the workspace you want to go to:

When a user migrates to another office he/she moves with all the information he/she manages to the destination office: products, tasks, contacts, conversations, etc.

You will only be able to manage this user's data if he/she is currently in the current account. If he/she is in another workspace, it will not be possible to edit his/her data.

Migrating data from one space to another

In Witei you have the possibility to migrate information from one workspace to another. This tool is used to transfer a workspace from one workspace to another and include it in another workspace. But for this you need both accounts to be in the same office network:

1) Steps to follow to join two accounts in the same network:

The administrator of the workspace you want to migrate must ask the administrator user of the workspace you want to migrate to for his/her email address.

Thanks to this email from the administrator of the final account, the user of the old workspace will be able to go to Configuration > Workspaces and in the drop-down menu choose "Transfer ownership of the workspace":

And put the email of the final administrator user, recipient of the property:

The recipient user will be able to go to "Workspaces" and will see the new space that has joined his network. From there he/she will be able to migrate the users he/she wants, unlink it or leave it inactive:

Remember: when transferring a property from one workspace to another, it "carries over" the payment method it has. If the current owner does not want to continue paying for these subscriptions, he/she must remove the payment method from the old workspace before transferring the property. From Settings > Subscription.


When we talk about transferring data with this tool we mean that Witei understands as owner and responsible for the account the person who is manually indicated there when requesting to migrate the information. It does not mean that all data is transferred from one office to another, but that both are linked.

If, once linked, the user who migrated the account wants to undo the change, he/she must request it to the person who put the email address there, as Witei cannot intervene in this. If the person accepts, he/she would only have to go to his/her workspace management and use the option "unlink workspace from the network".

The email indicated in this section is independent of what you want to migrate between offices, but Witei needs an email as an example to locate the network to which you want to join the workspace. The data, users and other information remain in the workspace where they are, only the two offices are linked.

2) Steps to follow to migrate the data:

You must log in to the old account from which you want to migrate the data to a new one. Go to Settings > Workspaces.

Click on the 3 dots on the side of the new account where we are going to migrate the data and choose Migrate users to this workspace:

In that section you can choose which users you want to migrate. You can also pass all the information to the same user and then migrate only this one.

Publishing gateways to portals

Through the customer service team, it is possible to request that several workspaces on the same network use the same publishing gateway to a real estate portal. In this way, it is possible to unify property publications that are in different Witei workspaces in the same real estate portal profile.

Set up a common website for your workspaces

You can share a Web with all the workspaces you create through a circle, where they can share the properties and send them to the Web if they wish. A single workspace can manage and configure the website shared by the entire workspace network. To do this, you must access the menu: "Web" > "Properties shown" > Show properties from network.

Share your properties with other workspaces

You can share your properties with other workspaces that belong to your same network and have them published on your website. To do this, you need to follow these steps that we indicate below:

  1. From the property > Share > Share with other workspaces.

  2. Click on the button with the name of your network to publish the property on the shared website.

You can also do it directly from "My shared properties."

If you want to view the properties that are shared from another workspace to yours, you can do so from "Workspace properties".

If you have any questions, please contact us via chat!

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