If you manage the purchase, sale, rental and operate with properties, it is likely that you have had to develop a record of the furniture that contains each property, issues or repairs that have occurred in it, in addition to managing the supplies and corresponding house bills.
Well, with Witei you are in luck! In this article we will explain how to manage all this in an easy way to save you time, so that you have everything registered and under control from the following section. You will be able to access it from the icon of the three vertical dots inside the property file under its main photo:
A. Furniture of the property and register of its issues
If you want to register the objects/furniture of your property in order to have a more complete control of it, you can do it following these steps:
Access the property file in Witei.
Click on the icon with the three vertical dots located just below the cover image of the property file > Click on the "Furniture" option in the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Add" button > Register each object of your furniture specifying the kind of object, quantity, description, the room of the property where it is located, picture of the object, unity price. Note that only the fields with an asterisk are mandatory to save your furniture, the rest are optional.
Save the changes.
If you want to register the issues on the furniture or on the property in order to keep track of them, you can do it following these steps:
Access the property file in Witei.
Click on the icon of the three vertical dots located just below the cover image of its file > Click on the "Issues" option in the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Add" button
Add the issue data: item of the incident, description and mark the status of the incident for tracking purposes.
Please note: if the issue you are going to register is an object of the furniture, you must first create the object of the furniture with the previous steps explained in this section.
B. Registering repairs to the building
If you want to register the repairs or reforms carried out in the building in order to have an orderly record of them, you can do it with these steps:
Access the property file in Witei.
Click on the icon of the three vertical dots located just below the cover image of its file > Click on the "Repairs" option in the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Add" button
In that section you will be able to add the price of the repair and you can add a detailed description of what was done on the repair.
Save the changes.
C. Register of supplies and house bills on the property
To have a record of the supplies (electricity, water and gas) of your property you can do it with these steps:
Access the property file in Witei.
Click on the icon of the three vertical dots located just below the cover image of its file > Click on the option "Supplies" in the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Add" button
Add the Holder of these supplies and the company with which they are managed, select the kind of supply (electricity, water or gas) and finally, if necessary, you will be able to write down the identifier of the request for change and the counter data.
Save the changes.
To keep a record of the house bills derived from the property or from those supplies (electricity, water and gas) of your property, you can do it with these steps:
Access the property file in Witei.
Click on the icon of the three vertical dots located just below the cover image of its file > Click on the option "House Bills" in the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Add" button
From there you will be able to add a bill picture as a file, select the kind of supply, total amount tax included, select if it is paid or not and the dates of the corresponding period of that receipt.
Save the changes.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us via chat!