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Mail Marketing Campaigns
Mail Marketing Campaigns

Mail campaigns - Drip campaigns - SMS campaigns

Updated over 4 months ago

A. Email campaigns

Remember that you can send a campaign via email from the CRM and from the Witei Advertising tool.

  • From the Contact List:

    1. Enter CRM and where you will find all your contacts.
    2. Select the clients to whom you want to send the Campaign.
    3. Apply mass action.
    4. Fill in the Campaign details.
    5. Create and adapt the Campaign design.
    6. Send the Campaign.

  • From the Advertising tool:

    1. Access Email Campaigns.

    2. Create a new Campaign.

    3. Fill in the Campaign details.

    4. Add the saved Search of Contacts to whom you will send the Campaign.

    5. Create and adapt the Campaign design.

    6. Send the Campaign.

    *Remember that all emails sent from Witei are sent to a single recipient, individually, without copying other emails from other recipients.

After that, you will begin the design and appearance of your campaign. If you want to save time and reuse previous campaigns that you have sent at another time or campaigns saved in drafts, you have the option of using "recently edited" campaigns as follows:

1. Create new campaign

2. Set up campaign delivery details

3. Reuse the design used for a recently edited campaign

If you reuse previous designs, keep in mind that: when reusing a campaign you should review the links you have entered so that they are the ones you currently want and also keep in mind that if it has text in the preheaded text, this information takes precedence and you must edit it manually following these steps:

Body -> Email Settings -> Preheaded Text

On the other hand, if you are designing an email campaign and you want to save it to continue designing it later at another time. You can "save draft" of what you have done and return to it whenever you want if you click on this button:

A.1 Option "send a text Email"

With the "Send test email" button that witei shows you in the upper right corner when you are designing your campaign, witei gives you the opportunity to visualize what the current design of your campaign looks like, that is, how your final contact will receive it when you actually send it.

Keep in mind that: you will be able to add the emails to which you want this test to be sent, however, the email addresses of the recipients you add must be users of your Witei workspace. You can send the test to your user.

B. Drip Campaigns

1. Using the filters, create a customer's group with the customers you want to receive the campaign and save the search. We tell you here all the details about Saved Searches.

To create a customer´s group you have to go to the customer list, apply the filters you need and save the search. Once you save the search, you will see the option to create a customer´s group as you can see below:

We tell you all the details about Saved Searches in this article.

New customers will join the segment automatically.

2. Then go to Marketing> Drip campaign> Click on "Create drip campaign".

3. Select the name of the campaign and the customer´s group you want to use previously created.

4. Click on "add email" and create it.

5. You can edit the campaign as you like.

6. When you save the email, it will be in a paused state so that it is sent, click on Activate.

7. To see the report of the sent email, click on "View report".

8. You delete it by clicking on the three points and "Delete email".

9. After creating the first email, you can create many more and place a condition, when that condition is met, the next email will be sent automatically.

To create these campaigns you must have permissions to do so. If you don't have it, you must request that an administrator from your office give it to you and follow the instructions that we share with you in this article on User Management.


  • If the campaign has already been sent, it will not be possible to edit the campaign once it has been sent to a set of contacts. You will only be able to view the report for that specific campaign as follows:
    1. Access the Advertising tool
    2. Click on the name of the sent campaign
    3. You can view the report of the campaign sent

  • If you want to save time and reuse the previous campaigns you have sent at a later time, you have the option to use the recently edited campaigns as follows:
    1. Create new campaign
    2. Configure the campaign delivery details
    3. Reuse the layout used for a recently edited campaign

C. SMS Campaigns

1. Enter in Marketing > SMS Campaigns > Create SMS campaign

2. Indicate a campaign title (This is the private name to recognize the campaign in your SMS campaign list).

3. The sender is the name that will appear in the SMS. In this case your VAT number will be included in the billing.

4. Create the message you want to send in "campaign message".

5. Select the contacts that you want to receive the campaign.

6. Click on save.

Send the campaign from the Clients list

1. Enter in CRM > Customers

2. Choose the clients to whom you want to send the campaign.

3. Click on "Select an action" and select "Send an SMS campaign".

To create these campaigns you must have permissions to do so. If you don't have it, you must ask an administrator of your office to give it to you and follow the instructions that we share in this article on User Management.

  • If you want to know more about SMS campaigns click here.

D. Email Campaigns Sent Report

Once you have sent your email or drip campaign, you will only have to click on the title of that sent campaign to be able to review its report and metrics:

This report will provide you with valuable information on how the campaign sent is working and data on:

  • Number of successful submissions

  • Number of open messages

  • Number of clicks on the links added to your campaign

  • Comparison of your campaign metrics differentiated by: recipients, opened messages and clicks.

  • List of recipients and campaign status in each individual case. That is, you will be able to see if that contact has been sent the campaign, if they have opened it, if they have clicked, if they have rejected it or if they have replied to it.

  • It is important to know that: If you receive responses from the recipient contacts of your campaign, you can see it from the general list of campaigns by clicking on "See responses", this link redirects you to the Witei Conversations section:

If you have any questions, contact us via chat!

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