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Cancel Witei account

How to cancel your Witei account, your domain and activated subscriptions.

Updated over 5 months ago

Please find below the detailed steps on how to cancel you Witei account.

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Export the data stored in your account.

It is important that you export the data related to properties, contacts, etc., stored in your Witei account. Once the files containing the information have been downloaded, carefully verify that the files have been generated correctly and contain all the information you need.

Step 2: Transfer your web domain and professional email accounts

If you have a domain managed through Witei and wish to keep it, you will need to transfer it to another provider. You will also need to migrate the email accounts associated with the domain, if any.

Step 3: Download invoices

From the Configuration > Subscription area, you can download the invoice history of your account:

Step 4: Account cancellation

Note 1:

Once you complete this step, you will immediately lose access to your account, stored data, domain, email accounts, etc. Please ensure you have completed the previous steps. If you have any doubts, consult us in the support chat available to you before canceling your account.

Note 2:

Witei schedules charges 10 days in advance of when you see them in your bank. Therefore, if you cancel your account during this period, the charge may still appear on your payment method. Let us know if you would like a refund.

From the Configuration > Subscription area, locate the "Account Cancellation" section. It is located below the invoice list.

Access the cancellation form and follow the indicated steps to permanently cancel your Witei account.

For more questions, please contact our support via chat.

We will be happy to assist you.

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