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Properties: creation and characteristics
Properties: creation and characteristics

Create and manage properties: adposts, contracts, appraisal, offers, duplication, cloning, qualification, etc.

Updated over 4 months ago

A. Create a property

1. Go to "Properties".

2. At the top right click on: "Add property".

3. Fill in the form with the data.

4. Write the address in the shaded box, a drop-down menu will open and there you must choose the correct option of the address you want to indicate.

5. You can choose whether you want the address to be publicly visible or not.

6. It is required to fill in the data with an asterisk or you will not be able to save the property.

Remember that to complete the type of property it is necessary to indicate it according to the type by means of the general tags. For example: penthouse, first floor, duplex, etc. You have to include the tags mandatory to indicate these typologies in your properties.

Each property must have a reference to identify it. This can include symbols, numbers or letters. Remember that it is not advisable to include spaces in the reference.

You can include 0s to the left to order your references correctly. For example, instead of saving with reference ''1'' you can include it as ''001'' the reference.

Important: you can automate the property references so that they follow a pattern (of numbers and/or letters). That is, if a user manually fills in the reference of two of the properties using, for example, their two initials - number, Witei memorizes and the properties generated by this user will follow this sequence.

Example: "I want my properties to follow the pattern: my two initials - number". The steps to follow are:

  1. I create two properties by manually putting in their reference: EP-01 , EP-02

  2. After this, when I generate my third property, Witei has memorized this sequence and continues it. That is, my next property would have by default the reference: EP-03.

You must take into account that this will change if another user follows the sequence and Witei will continue with the new sequence.

If you wish to create your properties with a member of the Witei team, in the following video you can find detailed step by step instructions and interesting information explained by a member of our team:

Below you will find the minutes with direct links to each block of content so that you can go directly to the section of this video you are most interested in checking:

00:11 - How to create and add your properties
08:11 - How to manage your real estate listing
13:26 - How to view the list of your properties

B. Types of status in properties.

1. In Witei we have 5 statuses in which you can place your properties, we explain each one:

  • Prospect: it is for when you start working with a property but you do not want to make it available to customers or real estate portals yet.

  • Available: It is when the owner has already given you the property and you begin to manage it in search of a client who wants to buy or rent it.

  • Rented: It is when the rental of the property is satisfactorily achieved and while it is rented it is placed in this state.

  • Sold: It is when the property is satisfactorily sold and no longer will work with it.

  • Inactive: When the property is no longer going to work for different reasons.

Important: Only the properties in Available state, will be able to be shown in the portals and internet (for the sold and rented ones they will be published in the web if you indicate them as featured properties).

C. Manually adding the address of a property and managing Zones

If you want to enter the address of a property manually, follow the steps below:

1. In the form of the property complete the fields of location, remember that the ones with the sign of * are obligatory fields.

2. To locate the property on the map manually, click on the bottom of the map where it says: Do you want to relocate the property on the map? Click here

In this video you can see the steps to do it.

It is important to put the actual address of the property on the map and make sure that it is correctly located and saved.

In order for the location of the property to be displayed correctly on the portals, we recommend that you search for and select the location of the property using the map or the "Address Search" in the House Form:

Remember that the zones will be created exactly with the name you have included so make sure it is spelled correctly and that it is the word that all agents would search for:

In the case of the city, it will be saved with as many names as you have written in the card if they do not coincide. For example, "Sevilla" and "SEVILLA".

Please note:

  • The options that appear in the "Zone" drop-down of the Property Form are a faithful reflection of the zones that you have registered in your own property portfolio.

  • To create new Zones, they are created from the drop-down menu of the Property Form:

If you want to delete or edit the name of any Zone in the drop-down menu you can do it from the section: Settings > Real Estate > Property Zones.

From this section you will be able to:

  • See the list of all the different zones that you have created in your real estate portfolio. Each zone of that list has a tool icon from which you can:

  • Access to lists of the properties that are in that particular Zone.

  • Delete the zone: taking into account that when deleting a zone Witei will filter the properties that have in the field "zone" that value, and will leave its zone field empty.

D. Adding custom titles on the property

  1. Go to the property and click on "Edit".

  2. In the property/house form go to Property Characteristics > Property Title field.

  3. You can add the title of the property in different languages by clicking on each flag and filling in the text in the different languages.

If you do not enter a custom title Witei will generate one automatically.

E. Property description

This field of the Property/House Form is designed to give you a space to clearly define by means of a text (maximum 4,000 characters) the property as you want it to be described later on the portals and the web when you publish it.

In addition, as with the "Property title" field, Witei also gives you the option to automatically translate this "Description" text and the title in different languages by simply clicking on each flag and on the link "Generate automatic translation".

Witei gives you the opportunity to save time and create a description automatically, you can create it this way:

  • Using Artificial Intelligence that will allow you to create it starting from the data you fill in the form and create a more attractive description, to do this go to the property - click on Edit - In the property form in the description field select: Create description using Artificial Intelligence in this way:

Remember to check if this option is within your contracted plan, you can see it in: Configuration > Subscription > Property Manager > See plans and pricing.

  • Defining a "Base description", that is, the text that you want to appear by default in the "Description" field when you create a new property and that you can later edit to refine it. You can create this "Base description" for all your properties and define the text you want it to appear from:Configuration > Real Estate > General

F. Information contained in the property file.

When accessing the property file you will see:

- The property reference at the top left highlighted near the title of the property.

- The stage of the funnel in which the property is located.

- The photos and videos that you have uploaded to the property and the possibility of accessing the manager to add more content or access the photo retouching.

- Below the main photo you will have buttons to create:

  • Card: If you want to know how to create a detailed card, click here.

  • Adpost: To learn more about how to create and download posters click here.

  • Reports: You will have available a report on the progress you made with the property in a quick way.

  • Appraisal: When making a valuation of the property Witei will use the data from your account, your own witnesses and the following data will be taken into account: Address - Estimated Price of Sale or Rentals and the Surface of each property.

  • Agreements: For more information on how to create your contracts in Witei click here.

In the button called Reports, there are three parts:

Cost history: where the changes in the sale and/or rental price of the property over time are shown. These changes can be deleted if necessary.

Interested contacts source: where the origin of the contacts interested in this property is shown.

Volume of tasks: where a heat map of the task volume for the property is displayed.

In each property file you will have a block of Characteristics on the right side of the screen where you can see:

  • The quality of your property in Witei. That is to say, the percentage of the file that you have completed. By clicking on the blue information icon you will see how to improve it and you will know what is needed to have it at 100%.

  • Address of the property and the possibility of sharing this address.

  • Information about: price, type of operation (sale or rent), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, surface, labels, etc.

In the central part of the property file you will see:

  • To which portals you are sending the property.

  • You will be able to see in the tab "Activity" the tasks that you have planned in the property and the notes that you have registered in it. Keep in mind that you can only see the first 100 tasks that are placed in the property.

  • In the Description tab you will be able to see the description of the property in the different languages you have added.

  • The Match tab that will inform you of the contacts related to that property based on their interests.

  • The history of Offers of that property.

  • The documents section where you can attach documents that you need to have saved internally and privately in the file of that property.

On the other hand, at the top right of the property file if you click on "Share" you will be able to: Open the property on your web, copy the link of the property, hide the property on internet, send campaign to the contacts suggested or interested with that property and even share the property on the different social networks.

Finally, by clicking on the "Edit" button you will access the property/house form and you will be able to modify or add information about the property.

G. How to create an offer

To create and add an Offer to a property, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the file of the property in which you want to add the offer.

2. Select the Offers tab.

3. In the Offers tab you will see the list of Offers that have been created.

4. When adding an offer you will see the required data to complete the creation of the offer.

5. The data you will need to create an offer are: the property, the contact, the type of operation, the value, the agent/user, the status and optionally the internal notes.

6. Once you have gathered all the data for the creation of the Offer you will be able to save it and see it in the list of Offers of the Property.

Once the offer is created, you will be able to do the following with each offer in the list of offers of the property:

- Change its status.

- Edit it.

- Delete it.

- Hide it.

- Accept it.

- Reject it.

H. How to add documents to your properties

You can add documents related to your properties from the file of each one of them. Just scroll down to the bottom and you will see a section where you can add them from a folder on your computer or simply drag the documents to the square where it indicates.

I. Duplication/Clonation of properties

If you have several identical properties you can create one and then clone it as many times as you need. But remember, this tool allows you to clone a property instantly as long as the property has not been published in portals before. That is, this tool will be disabled for properties that are already published. Therefore, if the property is already published, you must remove it from publication and wait 90 days to be able to clone it.

  1. Go to the property and click on "Edit" at the top right.

  2. Click on the inverted triangle, you will see a drop-down menu with the "Clone" option.

All the data of the property will be copied, but the reference will change as it is a new property. You must choose what you want to copy and then save the changes.

J. How to save a predetermined filter in the list of properties

Now by default all the properties appear in the list regardless of the state in which they are.

But you can save a search so that by default they appear in available state, in this case you have to apply the filter: Status > is > Available.

You can save search and then in the submenu on the left you indicate by clicking on the settings nut that it is visible only to you by clicking on "only me" if you check the little star the search will be saved and will appear by default.

Here you can watch a video about it:

K. Delete properties

You can delete several properties simultaneously by selecting them from the list of properties and using the "Delete permanently" option.

Please note: Only users with administrator permissions are allowed to delete properties in Witei. You can check more information about user permissions here.

L. Improve the quality of your properties.

Witei show the Property card quality based on the information filled in when creating the property from the form in Witei.

If you want to improve this % you only have to click on the "blue icon" to see all the details and Witei will show you what you need to complete your property and make it stand out.

  • Everything that has an "X" is what is missing and what has a "Check" is that you already have it in the property form.

The properties can be removed from the portals due to a "quality problem". In this case Witei does not receive more information about the specific reason, but we leave you a list of the reasons we have detected that can be a reason for quality cancellation.

  • The property contains contact details (phone numbers, emails, etc.) in the title, description or photographs. This is an immediate reason for discarding by the portals, as the contact details are sent separately and should not be included in the property fields mentioned above.

  • Photographs with logos or large screen prints.

  • Descriptions with high use of capital letters or exclamation marks. The portals may discard properties if their descriptions or titles do not follow the proper spelling rules. The abuse of these symbols or the use of capital letters for complete words or even phrases can lead to the discarding of the ad for quality.

  • Erroneous data: addresses or position of the property manually modified without respecting the estimated location of the property generated by our property form, which validates the address of the property through google maps.

  • Too long or too short descriptions.

M. Qualification of the property

The stars that you can find in the property file in "private data" section are a way of rating a property. It is a subjective valuation, since you are the ones who choose the parameters you want to use.

  • An example would be: give 3 stars to a property that is at market price and it will be easy to sell it quickly, and give 1 star if the property is well above the price it should be and it will be difficult to sell it if the owner does not lower it.

In "Properties" you can search for properties by rating using the following filter:

Rating > greater than / less than.

Type in the number you want to search for stars rated in this way:

N. How to set up a property as a transfer

To set up a property as a transfer, follow these steps:

  1. Access the editable form of the property.

  2. Set the property type as Local.

  3. Mark that this Local is for Rent.

  4. Mark the option that will appear as Transfer.

  5. Add the Transfer price.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us via chat!

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